Thursday, November 11, 2010

I've been thinking...

A lot lately about the human race. You know what I think?? I think we are just another species on this planet. I look at our desire to shack up and have kids. Our desire to more powerful, more rich, have more material goods, land, have the best religion.... even kill for this last one. And what's it all for? Who are we impressing?? No one. That's who. But compare us to another species and we're not much different. We're certainly not the only species to mate for life, and most of us can't be faithful to that!!!

I look at us driving around crazily, to and from work, to and from the store, and I think "Jesus, we aren't any different than the ants running around looking for food." What makes us so much better? Our brains? Look at what we've done with our brains. We commit genocide, make machines that can destroy the earth, and poison our children.

Then just when I think I can't take any more of us..... a little 4 year old girl that I was putting a jigsaw puzzle together with, surprised me with a kiss and a hug and said "I love you."

Suddenly, I felt pretty good to be human.

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