Thursday, October 28, 2010

keep moving on

I just got off the phone with my woman. We were talking about a car accident that left a mother of two dead after they were hit by a drunk driver. B (my woman) was saying how it's always disconcerting when you hear about situations like this and you wonder how close to home it is. We have connections to people who were involved in this accident.

Then I hang up and I think about death. We go about our lives every day on the assumption we will be okay. And mostly we are. But we all know of, and I think most of us refuse to think about, the finality of our lives. So we keep moving on don't we? But really, what else is there to do? We mourn our losses and our loved ones. Then we get up the next day and start over.

This then is life. Keep moving like you're immortal. That's what I'm doing. I'll come to work, I'll write in my blogs, I'll pay my bills, I'll love my family and I'll kiss the babies as much as I can. I will have regrets and wishes for "do-overs," I'll have successes and failures. And I can say that I'm living.

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